For Institutions
Does your organisation emphasise safe work spaces?
Does it ensure prevention of sexual harassment (POSH)?
Is it compliant with current POSH law, rules and guidelines?
POSH Policy
Does your organisation have a working POSH Policy that is legally sound and visionary? We provide a template that you can use, modify as you see fit, and implement in your organisation.
Although we have incorporated legal advice into the template, please consult a lawyer when finalising your organisation's POSH policy.

Field Safety Guidelines
We envision workspaces where everyone can work and thrive without fear of sexual harassment or assault. We can take small steps towards making this happen by following feasible and practical guidelines for our diverse workspaces. Download the guidelines below for maximising field safety, and tailor them to your field stations and contexts.
Requirements for legal compliance
A ready reckoner that describes what institutions need to know and do to be complaint with the 'Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013. This list is also available for download
All institutions with more than ten employees are mandated by the 'Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013 to have a POSH policy in place. Institutions smaller than ten employees in size can also choose to have a POSH policy, and this is strongly encouraged. For organisations less than 10 members, matters concerning sexual harassment at the workplace are referred to the Local Committee, constituted by the District.
The 'Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013 specifically addresses sexual harassment targeted against women at the workplace; but we recommend a broader view to address sexual harassment against all genders.
The POSH policy needs to be communicated to all members on an annual basis, and must be displayed on websites and in offices.
For the purposes of the policy, sexual harassment includes all unwelcome acts of behaviour and conduct of a sexual nature, whether physical, verbal or non-verbal.
For the policy, workplace includes any place visited by the employee arising out of or in the course of employment including transportation, and including digital spaces used in the course of work.
The policy is applicable to all employees, consultants, contract workers, vendors, part-time and full-time workers, volunteers etc.
If there is a complaint of sexual harassment against an employee or member of an organisation, the organisation’s IC (see point below) is obliged to take up the complaint.
A POSH Internal Committee (IC) has to be constituted and reconstituted once every three years.
All official complaints related to sexual harassment at the workplace should be directed towards and addressed by the POSH IC, and not by other organisational committees.
The POSH IC should have a senior woman employee as Presiding Officer, at least 50% women, and an external member. The external member needs to have knowledge and expertise of dealing with sexual harassment.
If a quorum (minimum number of members stated by the committee) of the POSH IC is established, it has to include 50% women, and the external member.
Annual POSH training programs need to be held for all members of the organisation. In particular POSH IC members need to undergo training to be well-versed with the POSH act and policy. [Optional, but recommended: organisations could include details on the last held training on their website for transparency and demonstrating their commitment to preventing sexual harassment in the workplace.]
Complaints need to be submitted in writing to the POSH IC. An IC member can assist in producing a written complaint, should the complainant be unable to do the same. If the aggrieved person is incapable of writing the complaint due to mental or physical incapacity or death, their legal heir or such other person as prescribed by the Act or institutional POSH policy may submit the complaint on their behalf. If the aggrieved person is incapable of writing the complaint due to mental or physical incapacity or death, their legal heir or such other person as prescribed by the Act or institutional POSH policy may submit the complaint on their behalf.
Complaints need to be submitted within 3 months of the incident, or under extraneous circumstances, within six months.
The POSH IC has a maximum of 90 days to investigate any written complaint submitted to them and the employer has 60 days to implement the recommendations of the IC.
The POSH IC has to maintain confidentiality of all proceedings while conducting the investigation.
Annual reports of the organisation POSH IC need to be submitted to the appropriate authority.